Here you can see news coverage of my research and other media appearances.
It starts early. Let’s start now!
Babies learn and develop so fast in the first three years of life! In addition to learning to walk and talk, they are learning to understand and regulate emotion, how to investigate and solve problems, and how to understand and get along with other people. All of these skills need both our patience and our support. Development of life-skills starts so early. Let’s start now to provide the best support we can!
Learn more at the videos below from WLNS’ weekly parenting segment:
Supporting babies’ language development
Talking with toddlers about race
Responding to toddlers’ tantrums
Involving children in household chores
How to promote decision-making skills
Listen to Radio Interviews and Podcasts about my Parenting Research:
Dads’ Mental Health Matters on the Academic Minute,and on Who Cares? What’s the Point?
Hear why Dads matter on the Fathers’ Day 2108 radio show of JustLove (min 42:00)
Read popular takes in Magazine Articles and Blogs:
How babies influence their own care and development in NewsWeek
How words help children regulate behavior in Psychology Today
Dads’ mental health matters in Psychology Today, and Parents
Helping young children occupy themselves in
Learn about Early Communication with Babies with these videos from WKAR:
Preverbal Communication through Infant Signs
Signs for Stressful Situations
Infant Signing Tips for Parents